Letters to the editor — Oct. 18, 2016


October 18, 2016 - 12:00 AM

Dear editor,

It will soon be time to think about casting your ballot for people who make the laws concerning our state. If you are a believer in public education like I am I hope you will think hard about anyone you vote for and their stand public education.

For 44 years I was a public school educator in the schools of Allen County and I can assure you that this county has had exceptional public schools. But to keep those exceptional schools they must be well funded to give our children the quality of education they so deserve. This is not happening now. Gov. Brownback, our present state senator Caryn Tyson, and other members of the current legislature have cut school funding to the point that many good teachers and administrators are abandoning Kansas for jobs in states where education is a priority. Programs in most schools have been cut and some schools have to a four-day week to reduce costs. Don’t let their recent tricky math tell you they have replaced funding. They haven’t!

Recently I had the opportunity meet Carla Griffith who is running as a write-in candidate for state senator against Caryn Tyson in our district. She entered into the race after Chris Johnston, a Democrat, dropped out. Because he dropped out late, his name still appears on the ballot as if he were still running. Griffith feels strongly about supplying enough money for education.

To cast a ballot for Carla Griffith skip the first two candidates listed, Caryn Tyson and Chris Johnston, and write in Carla Griffith. To make sure your vote is counted be sure her name is spelled correctly!

Vote for Carla Griffith! Vote for education!

Retabess Ling,


Iola Kan.


Dear editor,

“I am woman — hear me now!”

Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States of America.

Enough said.

Carolyn S. Mynatt,


LaHarpe, Kan.
